Joke Joins The Order

New Farm & Raid up on KnightSwap BSC

5 min readJan 15, 2022


A man walks into a butcher’s shop and asks the butcher: “Are you a gambling man?” The butcher says “Yes”, so the man said: “I bet you ฿10 that you can’t reach up and touch that Beef hanging on the hooks up there.” The butcher says “I’m not betting on that.” “But I thought you were a gambling man” the man retorts. “Yes I am” says the butcher “but the steaks are too high.”

What’s Opened Up In The Order

Let’s give a big welcome to the Order for Joke Token, bringing crypto, comedy NFTs, and Youtube together.

The pool wasn’t live yet btw which is why the APR was so high

Farms for JOKE— BNB LP to earn $KNIGHT

Raid Pools $KNIGHT → $JOKE

How To Buy & Farm With Your JOKE- BNB LP

Navigate to the KNIGHT website to purchase some $JOKE. The direct link will be posted below

Make sure your wallet is connected first & you can search for $JOKE and it should auto-populate.

If not you may need to enter in the contract address for $JOKE


Click $JOKE to add it to the transaction box.

Using your BNB you can purchase $JOKE.

The Joke community has allowed KnightSwap to whitelist their token which means better trading ability for our Knight holders!

Be aware there is a transaction tax associated with Joke token for other aspects

If you have trouble with purchasing the price may be moving too quickly and you may need to adjust your slippage.

You can adjust the slippage by the gear icon.

You can start higher with the number and work backwards until your transaction can be executed

Remember you will need an equal amount of $BNB & $JOKE to make your LP & you will need to leave some $BNB for gas for your transactions.

When you are happy with your amount press “Swap”

Double check everything is good then hit “Confirm Swap” & pay the gas fee

Press confirm & wait for your transaction to go through

If you get this error

you may need to change the last digit you are buying to a 0(delete the decimals). This trick should allow your transaction to go through.

Remember you’ll need an equal amount of BNB & $JOKE to make the LP & extra BNB for gas!

Add Your LP

This will be the direct link for adding JOKE BNB LP

There may be a delay for $JOKE to load into the screen give it some time, you can always do this manually by inputting the contract address


You will need an equal amount of BNB + JOKE to make the pair

Press “Approve JOKE”

Press “Supply” & then “Confirm Supply” if everything looks good pay the gas fee by pressing “Confirm”

Once that final transaction is successful you’ll be able to see your LP tokens that you created at the bottom of the screen.

Farm Time!

Bring your LP to the “Farms” tab. Here is the direct link

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on JOKE BNB LP

Hit “Approve Contract.” Once the approve goes through your menu will change to having “Stake” Press that to add your LP & start watching your $KNIGHT stack up!

  1. “+” Adds more LP (this will appear after you stake some LP in)
  2. “-” Take LP out (this will appear after you stake some LP in)
  3. “Harvest” Claim the $KNIGHT you have earned into your wallet

$KNIGHT → $JOKE Raid Pool

You can also put your $KNIGHT tokens to use in the RAID Pool to earn $JOKE

Head to the Raids tab if you are doing this from the main menu

You’ll need to first “Approve KNIGHT”

  1. The “+” button allows you to stake your $KNIGHT
  2. “Unstake Knight” takes the $KNIGHT out of the pool & back to your wallet
  3. “Harvest” — claims the partner token ($JOKE)to your wallet

Raid will start in 1,270 blocks on BSC

When a Pool is just launched you can check the Details tab and you will see a end countdown. This is when the rewards for a pool will start when that block time is at 0.

Once it ends the true time for the duration of the pool will begin. You can reference these other pools to see. So the higher the number the longer the pool will last.

Removing Your LP

Remember you first must remove your LP from the farm before you can break up your LP into each of the tokens.

If you need further assistance with removing your LP reference out gitbook which will help you through the process.

Useful Partner links for you to learn more




