Battle Of Hero's NFT Event | Knights: Prologue

Knightlands RPG
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2022

Get ready to slug it out for a chance to earn some NFTs!

In one of our most complex events yet, we’re allowing you to battle other players, upgrade your units, and progress through the event for a chance to earn ultra rare NFTs! These NFTs will be usable by your character in the highly anticipated Knight Lands MMORPG. These will be extremely rare in the new Polygon game.


  • Receive Energy for logging in, completing daily tasks, and for in-game purchases.
  • Position your squad on the battlefield in a turn-based game to navigate various terrain and defeat your enemies in PVP or PVE.
  • Defeating foes rewards you with Ancient Coins and XP to level up your units for future fights. Winning in PVP rewards you with Crystals.
  • Use and upgrade your abilities to heal and buff your units, while damaging and debuffing your opponents’ units.
  • Unit difficulty types range from blue to green to purple. With different unit types being Melee, Range, Mage, Tank, and Support.
  • Your Rating is measured by the total amount of all your characteristics.
  • Assemble a full purple squad to redeem the ultra-rare Knight Lands NFT.

Combat System

This event features a strategic turn-based combat system.

During its turn, a unit can perform any one action. If there is an enemy within the movement radius, the unit can move towards it and attack. Players that have played Heroes Might & Magic will recognize the similar feel of this event.

Important mechanics:

  • Movement Points = Unit Speed
  • Initiative stat = Unit that attacks first in a fight

There are many obstacles to watch out for in this event.

Battlefield Obstacles:

  • Hills, highlands: Increase damage to enemies by 25%
  • Forest: Increases unit’s defense by 25%
  • Swamp: Stops the units and reduces the speed by 50% in the next turn
  • Lava: Deals damage equal to 5% of Max HP. If the player continues to stand in the same lava without moving, then he does not take repeated damage
  • Ice: Stops the units and increases the damage it takes by 25%


When joining the event for the first time, the player receives a starting set of 10 units.

The game has 3 tiers of units:

  • Tier 1 — green (weakest and most common)
  • Tier 2 — blue
  • Tier 3 — purple (strongest and rarest)

Level up and merge your units to make them more powerful. Once you have a full squad of Tier 3(purple) units, you can use them to redeem an NFT. These NFTs will be extremely rare and usable in the highly anticipated dark-fantasy MMORPG we’re building, Knight Lands.


You can organize your units into squads to better take advantage of different classes of units. Units can be Melee, Range, Mage, Tank, and Support. When playing, the organization of units based on their classes will affect the strength of your squad. For example, a squad made up of only supports will be much weaker than a squad with balanced classes. Much like the main game, units will be of different types. In your squad, having units of the same type will grant you bonuses on the battlefield.


This event has a multitude of abilities that are available to level up. It’s essential to consider these as part of the strategy you use when facing opponents.

Unit abilities are divided into several types:

  • Combat: Deal damage and can additionally apply debuffs (written in the skill description).
  • Supporting and healing: Damage opposing units and restore the health of allied units.
  • Buffs: Improve the stats of allied units.
  • Debuffs: lowers the stats of enemy units.

Every time you upgrade abilities, the cooldown of abilities decreases. Leveling these up will increase the number of times you can use them in a game.

When a unit reaches a certain level, the player can upgrade their abilities with Crystals.

  • The abilities of tier 1 units have 15 levels of improvement.
  • The abilities of tier 2 units have 8 levels of improvement.
  • The abilities of tier 3 units have 3 levels of improvement.

Best of luck! If you have any questions, ask us on any of our social media channels listed below!

See You in The Knight Lands⚔️,

The Knight Lands Team🏰

Knights: Prologue is the complementary prelude to Knight Lands which is a F2P, P2E MMORPG on the Blockchain that aims to deliver creative gameplay and utility to the decentralized gaming space.

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