What is Self Awareness? What is the Importance of it?

Manoranjan Sahoo
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2020

What is Self Awareness? Why is this important in our life? Today, in this article, we will try to understand it through some self-awareness quotes.

What is Self Awareness? What is the Importance of it?

What is self-awareness?

First, try to find out what is self-awareness. Self-awareness, if we divide it into 2 parts, one is “SELF” and the other is “AWARENESS”. “SELF” means ourselves, our soul, and “AWARENESS” is to awakening.

“Self-awareness” means to awaken oneself. The ability to focus on oneself. The ability to pay attention to one’s own actions, thoughts, or feelings is considered as self-awareness.

Read self-awareness in Hindi

How to recognize lack of self-awareness?

Below are some of the signs in which you will know how to recognize the lack of self-awareness.

1. Show off our progress:

Show off our progress

When we achieve something or we have something precious, we want to show off to others. We should not do this. This is a sign of a lack of self-awareness.

2. Compromise ourselves:

Compromise ourselves

When we try to achieve something, we do not get that thing quickly, at that time we compromise ourselves.

3. Laughing at the mistakes of others:

Laughing at the mistakes of others

If someone is trying to speak or doing something, then sometimes he makes mistake. And we start laughing at him. By doing this, the confidence of the person goes down. We should not do this.

4. Copying others:

Copying others

Sometimes we try to be like others, try to dress like them, try to make hairstyles like others, try to copy everything that we love in another person. This is also a sign of a lack of self-awareness.

5. Jealous of others:

Jealous of others

Jealous of others is another main reseason for lack of self-awareness. It is necessary that we do not envy others. Jealousy is something that makes trouble for us. It controls our minds. This is not right for us.

How to improve self-awareness?

Some important ways that will help in improving self-awareness.

1. Do not help unless needed:

Do not help unless needed

Sometimes we go to help someone even when they are not needed. We do not have to help unless he needs help.

2. Trusting yourself:

Trusting yourself

Whatever happens, whatever the situation comes to you, trust yourself more than others. We should think that we can face all the problems. We can get what we want.

3. Do what you have to do today:

Do what you have to do today

If we are planning to do something, then that work has to be done today. By doing this, our passion and desire to achieve remains intact and with the completion of this work, we get time to think about something new.

4. Self-evaluation:


We need to know ourselves. What can we do, what are the things that we can do well, how to rectify the mistakes we have made? We should evaluate ourselves by asking these type of questions to our-self.

5. Control your words:

Sometimes we get angry and talk whatever comes in our mouth. We should control our mouth and our words.

6. Do not reveal your secrets:

Do not reveal your secrets

We all have some secrets. Those secrets may be good or bad. Whatever it may be, let our secrets remain secret. Other people can take advantage of it.

7. Sharing your knowledge:

If you share your knowledge, it will increase. Share what you know with everyone. It will increase your knowledge along with others.

Sharing your knowledge

8. Determining Your Limit:

Always set your limits. And stay within the same limit. How do we live with elders, how to live with youngers, how to live with friends, how to live with family, etc. We do not have the right to cross that limit.

The post What is Self Awareness originally posted in Knoansw.com.



Manoranjan Sahoo
Editor for

I’m Manoranjan Sahoo, Passionate about blogging on learning articles.