COVID-19 Vaccination Progress Report | February 2021

Alisa Zvorygina
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2021

January marked a critical point in the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccinations globally. Kicked off in the United Kingdom in late 2020 with a fully trialed and tested vaccine, Canada, Bahrain, and Mexico and followed soon after. Although Russia and China have been inoculating their citizens with several different vaccines since August 2020, the vaccines are still undergoing late-stage trials.

  • As of January 2021, the United States, China, and the United Kingdom have administered the largest number of coronavirus inoculations, followed by India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Brazil. The United States accounts for 32 percent of all inoculations globally, followed by China (23%), the United Kingdom (10%), and India (5%).
  • Smaller countries with relatively smaller populations and/or higher population density have certain advantages, as evidenced by Israel, which now has more than 60 percent of its population vaccinated against COVID-19. The United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Bahrain, and Malta, are also among the mix of countries that have achieved relatively higher vaccination rates.
  • These same countries are among those with newly implemented COVID-19 vaccine roll-out programs on larger scales, processes that when implemented by larger countries, like the United States, propel them to the top 10 by vaccination rate.

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