2017 — Year of FAST Data

Knoldus Inc.
Knoldus - Technical Insights
1 min readDec 31, 2016

As we approach 2017, there is a strong focus on Fast Data. This is a combination of data at rest and data in motion and the speed has to be remarkably fast. In the deck that follows, we at Knoldus present to you how we have implemented a complex multi scale solution for a large bank on the Fast Data Architecture philosophy. As we partner with Databricks, Lightbend, Confluent and Datastax, we bring in the best practices and tooling needed for the platform.

Just think about it, if Google was always indexing and giving you results from the data at rest then you would never be able to Google for breaking or trending news!

As you enjoy the deck below, we would standby to listen from you on your next fast data project. Have a wonderful New Year 2017


[slideshare id=70568489&doc=fastdataarchitecture-161231153116]



Knoldus Inc.
Knoldus - Technical Insights

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