Digital Thinking — Top IT Pains

Knoldus Inc.
Knoldus - Technical Insights
3 min readMar 31, 2019

In the past few posts, we have talked about the forces and tools of Digital transformation and why enterprises should be concerned about it.

In this post, let us look at a very recent survey done by Mulesoft which talks about the top IT pain points of 2019

Where CXOs are losing their sleep
  1. Disconnected Systems — In a lot of enterprises, there is a plethora of legacy systems which have made them successful in the past. The reason why they are a part of this survey is just that these legacy systems have served them well and have kept them upfloat and successful. However, over a period of time new systems have been developed, there is a duplication of logic across systems and these systems are not talking to each other.
  2. Keeping the lights on — It is no secret that a lot of times we are spending the cycles in RTB (run the business) than GTB (Grow the business). Further, the innovation budgets for 2019 seem to have an upward trend, which is a positive move.
  3. Failure to Digitally transform — Almost all enterprises know that they have to take the digital leap. They would like to be on the right side of history and not be with the likes of Blockbuster and Sears.

If you are having the above pain points then one of the ways to take care of the above is to start thinking in terms of platforms instead of individual products. Our earlier post covers this in detail.

Let us look at the two major tools which would allow you to suppress and surpass the above pain points

Leveraging an API first strategy allows organizations to take care of agiity and innovation. For organizations to deliver digital transformation and innovate at the speed of market leaders, it is critical to discover, connect, and reuse software assets using APIs.

While leveraging APIs is essential to participate in the digital economy, fully capitalizing on the value of APIs requires a combination of an enterprise-wide API strategy that treats APIs like products and a network to enable connectivity throughout the enterprise.

Building API’s allows the business to connect legacy systems to the modern ecosystem. There would be no islands of information in the enterprise. It allows the enterprise to innovate by exposing the functionality as a platform both to internal and external businesses and also allows the organization to move forward in their digital journey.

Another tool for taking care of the above pains is Leveraging the Reactive microservices. There are reactive options to expose your APIs

Microservices allow you to build business logic and applications around your business boundaries. There could be microservices which are exposed as APIs for your HR department, finance, customer acquisition and so on.

The microservices architecture tackles the problem of productivity and speed by decomposing applications into manageable services that are faster to develop. Different teams can be working on different components simultaneously without having to wait for one team to finish a chunk of work before starting theirs.

The microservice architecture allows decoupled services written in different programming languages to peacefully coexist with other fragments. This allows easy integration of legacy and modern systems.


Business today demands agility, innovation and transformation. The two tools which work well when you embark on this journey are APIs and Reactive Microservices.

Talk to Knoldus to see how we have enabled enterprise clients to embark successfully on this journey with quantifiable results.



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Knoldus - Technical Insights

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