Knolders review of #venkat_50_50_tour at #DelhiJUG17 meetup

Knoldus Inc.
Knoldus - Technical Insights
3 min readNov 27, 2017

Dr. Venkat Subramaniam celebrates his 50th anniversary with distributing his smiles throughout the world’s Java User Groups (JUG) meetups, conferences, and events. Recently, he was in India and Delhi-NCR Java User Group organized one stop meetup for him. Needless to say, core to our culture of knowledge sharing caring, Knolders were a part of the event. In meetup, Venkat spoke about

Designing Functional Programs

Java 8 streams and why functional programming is so important. He mentioned, “All functional is declarative, but not vice versa”.

From Functional to Reactive Programming

Why reactive applications are required and how RxJava helps us build a reactive application using Java 8 Functional style. The important points are:

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Twelve Ways to Make Code Suck Less

We call know that bad code sucks the life and spirit out of the whole application. There are lots of ways to avoid writing bad code and make the code more readable thus maintainable

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All of us learn lots of the things with the flavor of fun. There was one competition “The one who would tweet the most using hashtag #venkat_50_50 and #DelhiJUG17” and the price was Big Bear Hug from Dr. Venkat. For that, Knolders started tweeting and we beat the hell out of twitter :D

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After whole day fun, learning and tweeting finally I won the price of Venkat Big Bear Hug. WOW! I hope some of his brain waves did get transferred to me ;)

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That was really awesome Sunday for us with learning and fun. Thanks to all and Delhi-NCR Java User Group who was organizing such a great event. Some of the things we like but not all.

Things We Liked:

  • Arrangements.
  • Volunteers.
  • Food

Areas of improvement:

  1. Sound system. (I think this is one of the hard parts, we are too struggling with this for our Knolx sessions)
  2. Sessions videos were not being recorded (We do this ;)

All of us had lots of the questions which Venkat gracefully answered in between. He also helped us with our constant queries after the sessions.

We are sure, next time we will discuss lots of the new things with Venkat and Wish him best of luck for his #venkat_50_50_tour from all our colleagues at Knoldus




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