Power of Parallel Processing in Akka

Knoldus Inc.
Knoldus - Technical Insights
4 min readSep 19, 2011

If you have been following the Inphina blog and our work with Scala related technologies, you would have noticed a spurt in our blog feeds. The reason being that we have recently come out of a very successful massively scalable framework created with Akka. Inphina holds an active stake in the product and the details of the framework would follow once the embargo is over. Meanwhile, in this post I would like to share some wins that we achieved with Akka.

For the matter of benchmarks look at the graph below. As of now we are able to process over 2 million messages coming on the RabbitMQ server in a matter of less than 100 seconds. You might argue that this number does not tell you anything unless we know what we are processing. Fair point, but in this post we are not debating that. What we are trying to show is that once you have a lot of Akka actors running in parallel under a master worker kind of relationship, you can do wonders on the number of cores that you have.

The bisecting line that you see in the graph is the one that we got when we had our Akka actors listening to the queue with the help of AMQP client. See the earlier post. On the flick of a switch you can go parallel in the framework or hybrid as the case may be depending on your messages. When we switched to full parallel, we had actors consuming messages from the queue which would in-turn hand off the message to a Master Actor which would spawn Child Actors. This is based on the standard master-worker relationship. We are launching the number of workers either based on a configuration depending on the number of cores on which the framework is deployed or on the basis of the number of plugins which need to be launched in parallel.

Let us look at some code now, following is the process message of the Master Actor

[code language=”scala”]
class ParallelProcessor extends Actor {

def receive = {
case MessageFromQueue(message) => process(message)

case ChildMessage(plugin, message) =>
val transformedMessage = processMessage(message, plugin)
self reply Result(message, plugin.target)

case Result(message, target) =>
parallelCounter -= 1
messageList ++= List(new Result(message, target))

if (parallelCounter == 0) {
logger.info(“**** REDUCER CALLED — — “)
val reducedMessage = reduceMessages(messageList)
self ! PoisonPill


def process(message: VajraPMMessage) = {
val numberOfWorkers = VajraPM.numberOfWorkers
parallelCounter = currentStep.pluginsInStep.length
val workers = Vector.fill(fetchWorkerCount(numberOfWorkers, parallelCounter))(actorOf[ParallelProcessor].start)
val router = Routing.loadBalancerActor(CyclicIterator(workers)).start
currentStep.pluginsInStep foreach { plugin =>
router ! new ChildMessage(plugin, transformer.createVajraMessage(message.toXml().toString))
router ! Broadcast(PoisonPill)
router ! PoisonPill


As you would notice, the master actor (ParallelProcessor) receives a message. The case MessageFromQueue gets called and we call the process(message). As you would notice in the process(message), we spawn a number of child workers which is the same actor ParallelProcessor again.

Let us zoom into the process method, we create a router to handle the even delivery of ChildMessage to the workers. Right now, the router uses a CyclicIterator to distribute messages.

[code language=”scala”]
val workers = Vector.fill(fetchWorkerCount(numberOfWorkers))(actorOf[ParallelProcessor].start)
val router = Routing.loadBalancerActor(CyclicIterator(workers)).start
currentStep.pluginsInStep foreach { plugin =>
router ! new ChildMessage(plugin, transformer.createVajraMessage(message.toXml().toString))

An interesting thing that we do here is that once the router has passed all the messages to the child workers, we issue a poisonpill to the child workers so that they can die after processing. We also pass a poison pill to the router.
Caution: If you are using a work stealing dispatcher, please ensure that your poison pills are not being eaten by actors which are yet to receive messages thus causing unintended behavior.

Let us see how the child receives the message, again we have the same receive method

[code language=”scala”]
def receive = {
case MessageFromQueue(message) => process(message)

case ChildMessage(plugin, message) =>
val transformedMessage = processMessage(message, plugin)
self reply Result(message, plugin.target)

case Result(message, target) =>
parallelCounter -= 1
messageList ++= List(new Result(message, target))

if (parallelCounter == 0) {
logger.info(“**** REDUCER CALLED — — “)
val reducedMessage = reduceMessages(messageList)
self ! PoisonPill


This time, we fall into the block of case ChildMessage(plugin, message) =>
Here, every child does some processing and passes back the results to the master with the self reply Result(message, plugin.target)

Finally, the results come back to the master, where it keeps a count of the number of results coming back. If you recall, the counter (parallelCounter) was set in the process method where we spawned child workers either on the basis of the number of parallel steps or depending on the number of cores that we have on the machine on which the framework is running.

[code language=”scala”]
def receive = {
case MessageFromQueue(message) => process(message)

case ChildMessage(plugin, message) =>
val transformedMessage = processMessage(message, plugin)
self reply Result(message, plugin.target)

case Result(message, target) =>
parallelCounter -= 1
messageList ++= List(new Result(message, target))

if (parallelCounter == 0) {
logger.info(“**** REDUCER CALLED — — “)
val reducedMessage = reduceMessages(messageList)
self ! PoisonPill

The case Result(message, target) => does a reduction logic on all the results coming back from the child workers.

Thus, with the master worker logic we were able to reduce the processing time considerably.

One of the things that we fell into was that we ended up creating a lot of new native threads on our OS as a result of which we were getting limited by the number of native threads which could be used. For this, we used a thread-pool instead of spawning a new thread. See Akka Dispatchers and our blog related on dispatchers. I would cover the threading issue in detail in another post.



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