17 Signs That You Are An Indigo Child

Find out if you are one!

Francesca Dallaglio
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Krzysztof Kowalik on Unsplash

Who doesn’t love Indigo Babies?

We all know something about them, about the concept of them, but what do we actually know about it, about what it takes to be one, about their real features and characteristics?

Let’s dive in a little bit deeper.

The concept of “Indigo Babies” or “Indigo Children” originated in the mid-’70s from the New Age wave, and it designates people with an indigo aura, reincarnated advanced souls sent on Earth to, in theory, start some kind of spiritual evolution for all human beings.

I’ve always found the concept of Indigo Babies extremely intriguing, and I’ve always thought that I am one, but I had never, until now, looked inside this matter with intentionality and, in some quantity, rationality.

So, I found out that author and psychic Doreen Virtue wrote down seventeen signs of an Indigo person in her 2001 book The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children.

Well, let us see, without further ado, the specific features that characterize Indigo people, with a series of empty check boxes that you can fill if you want to take the test along with me (as if you were reading this article on a paper magazine, as we did in the good ol’ 2000s).



Francesca Dallaglio
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Author, journalist, wannabe novelist. Constantly looking for new things to obsess over. 4X Top Writer. ko-fi.com/francescadallaglio