2 Weeks of Teaching Myself Math from Scratch

Math and I aren’t a perfect match, but I can work with that.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readJun 16, 2024


I first thought I would do weekly updates for my math journey, but I didn’t feel like sharing anything after the 1st week.

I was not really happy with the progress I made. But then I realized nobody master's anything without making a few mistakes or failing a few times.

I am trying and that is enough.

So here I am,

sharing what I have learned in the last few days.

Picture by author.

Starting with Speed Math

I started my math journey with speed math. At first, I spent some time doing easy calculations like addition, multiplication, etc. I worked on increasing my speed. I made so many silly mistakes, it was embarrassing. 😂 I found myself taking a really long time with subtracting numbers like 231–178 or 11145–789. I can do it within 15 seconds now. Multiplication with 3- or 4-digit numbers still takes me longer than 30 seconds. I am working on it.

I also learned some tricks to solve squares and cubes within seconds. I memorized cubes up to 25 and squares up to 50, followed by learning different percentages which are important for DI and arithmetic as well. I still forget a few every now and then, but it will improve with practice, I’m sure.

Core Arithmetic Challenges

After the very basics like Ratio Proportion and Averages, I started focusing on core arithmetic chapters like Time & Work and Boat & Stream. But here comes the problem: I spent a few days learning ratio proportion in the first week and was able to solve most of the problems, but as soon as I started working on other chapters, I forgot everything from earlier. I didn’t revise anything from previous chapters while moving forward with new ones and hence I forgot almost everything!

I find myself having a hard time with Boat & Stream. I am able to solve basic questions but can’t do the intermediate-level problems. The formulas and concepts are not too difficult, but I don’t know why I am not able to progress further. My dad pointed out I needed to learn Time & Work before I do Boat & Stream as it’s the very base of arithmetic. I did leave Boat & Stream midway and started studying Time & Work.

Pacing and Retention Issues

The main problem is I am very confused about how to pace my studies in math. The chapters are all over the place and I keep forgetting whatever I have learned previously. I also tend to get absorbed with whatever I am doing. It can be beneficial at times but consumes too much of my time and hinders me from studying both the ongoing chapter and revising the previous ones. At one point, I was even doing math in my dreams!

While I have made some progress and understood that I don’t exactly dislike or hate math, I only need to figure out a way to learn it strategically. To learn math step by step and keep solving all sorts of problems regularly rather than focusing only on one chapter at a time. And not to take it too seriously or think too much about it.

Looking Ahead

I am happy that I decided to teach myself math from the very beginning. At first, I didn’t think much; I thought I could just start following a syllabus, watch some video lessons, and I’d be done. It’s only after starting to study math that I realized I need to systematically study and keep track of my progress. The different levels of questions need to be solved frequently. Sometimes when I only focus on doing difficult questions, I find myself thinking too much about a simple one. It results in silly mistakes and time wastage.

With theoretical subjects like management or entrepreneurship, I have never faced any such problems. I rarely used to revise too. I think it was always interesting to me and I never had any problems with grasping or remembering the concepts either. I had statistics in the first semester of my college. It was fairly easy and didn’t take much effort. But starting over with core math is a bit challenging; at the same time, it’s fun too.

Tomorrow onwards, I am going to start over with whatever I have done previously, and I will make it a point to revise regularly!

Tips and Tricks

I like to use apps like Math Tricks Workout and MathNest to work on increasing speed and learning tables, squares, and cubes. I practice speed math as soon as I wake up because our brain not only absorbs it better in the early morning due to the quiet and serene atmosphere, but our subconscious also retains it more effectively.

There are various tricks available online to solve squares and cubes within seconds, e.g., to solve (53)² ; 53 is 3 more than 50; add 3 to 25 i.e. 28; take square of 3=09; write it all together, final Ans 2809. For numbers between 35–65 we always use 25 as a base to subtract or add difference from 50. It might seem confusing if you are seeing it for the first time but it's really easy.

I’ve been working on improving my ability to write sentences for word problems, which are common in arithmetic. At first, these problems seemed confusing because of their long sentences, but I’m learning to break them down into simpler parts. With practice, I’m sure I’ll get better at tackling them.

In the last few months, I have come to accept that life is supposed to be the one with hardships for us to understand the beauty of it. During such times it is important for us to not to give up on ourselves or blame ourselves.

You as a person deserve compassion and acceptance. You need to accept and appreciate yourself to progress in life and to be happy.

My school days were not the best and I hated myself the most. I was very harsh on myself, and I deeply regret that.

This year, I’m taking time to accept my faults, appreciate my struggles, and value myself while continuing to learn and grow. It is okay to fail at times, it's okay if I spend a week in laziness or eat fast food or don’t study anything at all.

It's absolutely alright to take a step back.

Sometimes we make mistakes, we tend to take life too seriously. We think too much. None of it is required.

Let go of it and you might find bliss in this everyday life.

See the beginning of my math journey here with Know Thyself Heal Thyself,

Thank-you for reading!
I wish you all the love and luck in life.🤍



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Dancing in the rain of my own tears (umbrella optional)!