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3 Enemies of Happiness

Aversion, Attachment, and All-pervasive dissatisfaction

Rosie Sha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readMay 22, 2024


I loved the concept of AAA when I read about it in Mo Gawdat’s ‘That Little Voice in Your Head’. I was naturally drawn to the title of this book as an inner work nerd. It’s a must-read for everyone who is fed up with continuous inner voice, and chatter that spoil their happiness.

According to the author, there are 3 enemies of happiness. People naturally are happy and content creatures as long as their basic needs are met. If unhappiness shows up despite this, it means there is a huge mess going on inside our brain which draws our attention to declutter and clean.

The first A stands for Aversion caused by Primitive Reptilian Brain. Even though we don’t live in a jungle, the reptilian brain keeps us cautious even in tiny possible dangers: loud city noise, criticism, bitter response, or looks you name it. Being in this consistent survival mode in front of difficulties of life causes stress in our body disabling us from relaxing.

What’s the remedy?

Self-awareness and mindfulness.

ONLY BY self-awareness, we can calm our primitive brain that there is no danger of a lion, it’s just an opinion that doesn't affirm ours’. And it’s ok.

The second A stands for Attachment caused by our Mammalian Brain, the function responsible for keeping us alive in union within our species. Every human being longs for belonging since we owe the survival and thriving of our species to our ability to work in unison.

Therefore loneliness may cause great damage to our holistic well-being. Yet, in case longing for belonging is taken too seriously it causes serious problems like attachment disorders which impact our happiness.

What’s the remedy?


Instead of depending on others or other possessions for joy and happiness, it’s life-changing to learn and realize that we can generate our own joy. Nothing can satisfy us unless we comprehend this truth.

The third A stands for All-pervasive dissatisfaction which is the fruit of our Rational Brain. It tricks us into believing that more is better and tries to keep us in certain and abundant situations. Perhaps it’s where the ego nests since it seems never to stop talking and doesn't allow us to be present and immerse in the actual moment.

When we follow our rational brain what’s next never stops. Everything is glamorous until we put our hands on it. The insatiable appetite of our ego will restrain our happiness since it never has enough.

What’s the remedy?


We can’t count the blessings of our Creator as He mentions in His Holy Books. We all have what we need. There will always be a reason to be happy and to complain. The choice is ours.

In a nutshell, the AAA has a vital role in our survival if we maintain them in a healthy dose. Everything in excess is harmful in every aspect of life. Balance is bliss and can only be achieved and maintained through a mindful and intentional lifestyle, getting out of the default mode.

So, what is the enemy of your happiness?

I’d love to read your comments and have a safe space for mindful discussion.

I write to ‘shrink’ the issues on this life journey where spirituality and mindfulness introspect with overall well-being.

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Rosie Sha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A teacher, linguist and translator, who's also a spiritual soul and holistic health care advocate. I write about inner work therapy for our holistic wellbeing.