3 Healthy Daily Affirmations That Completely Changed My Life

Set yourself up for success and put yourself as a priority

Creative Toddler Mom
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Like anything else in life, a routine that works for you, habits that you have formed, set a motivated tone for your day. Anything in your daily habits that work in favor of self-development and self-care needs to be incorporated and cherished throughout your day and week.

By keeping things simple, not overcomplicating our days, we positively impact our day and our mind. We give ourselves a chance of moment to clear out our minds and find ourselves on a positive path in life.

We spend most days thinking about random stuff that doesn’t help us or give us any positive things in life. We tend to overwhelm our minds and we leave ourselves wandering in the wrong direction for hours. By having simple daily habits that help us get out of this loop we are giving ourselves a chance of simplicity and meaning in life.

Giving ourselves a dose of motivation every day will make us stay consistent with our chosen daily habits. Investing in our well-being and keeping up with checking in with ourselves and our mental state is the best thing we can do for ourselves. Being in line with how we feel and what we think and changing things if necessary is a great thing to gift to yourself.



Creative Toddler Mom
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

👩‍👧‍👦 Exploring the world of toddlerhood one DIY activity at a time! 🎨📚