30 Seconds of Appreciation

A poem to appreciate all poets and readers.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

[11:59:31 p.m.]

night in this hometown café
strong aroma of caffeine
escaped the coffeemaker;
the blended flavours stray
invoking inspiration to the scene.

[11:59:36 p.m.]

the fingers dance on the keys
of characters and periods
spread over the eyesight;
next to the cup of coffee
pouring arts in words.

[11:59:41 p.m.]

while the ambient music reduces
while the coffee heat becomes loose
the weary mind forgets to sleep;
“what should be the next phrases
after the period key is pressed?”

[11:59:46 p.m.]

but the mind becomes a drought
tired feeling dominates the thought
abruptions on the word smithery;
even after sips of the cappuccino
even after glances out of the window.



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

An anon passionate to craft solacing and thoughtful words. Self-proclaimed poet.