4 Simple Ways To Get People To Like You More

#1 — Listen More, Talk Less

Samir S.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
7 min readApr 21, 2021


“Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.”

— Misty Copeland

We are humans that live on planet Earth and with this privilege, we each live our daily lives. Whether it involves going to work, stepping outside, socializing with people, etc. all of this involves interacting with or appreciating the people around you.

When we form meaningful relationships with our surrounding people and with the people we love and trust, that not only benefits our mental health but also makes us feel that we are not alone in this world.

Sometimes, people want to attract other people whether for love, friendship, advice, etc. Not everyone knows how to make new friends or get people to like them more and that is perfectly fine. By using some of these simple tips, you can get people to start liking you more.

Listen More, Talk Less

There is nothing more annoying than when you are trying to tell another person your point of view or something that is important and that person bluntly interrupts you.

Now, most of those interruptions are benign meaning that person was probably too excited to talk about his/her point of view and that is what caused that person to interrupt you.

But when you are talking, you expect the other person to literally shut up and listen to what you have to say. Not only does that lead to effective communication between both parties, but it also leads to a sense of trust that whatever I have to say, the other person will gladly take the time out to listen to me.

Oftentimes, people are in such a hurry to say what they have to say that they disturb the other person who is talking and this can make the other person think that you have no interest in what he/she has to say.

Next time, if someone wants advice but he/she knows that you talk too much but don’t listen, he/she will most likely go to another person.

But when you start to listen more and talk less, people feel more welcomed, relaxed, and relieved knowing that whatever they have to say, you will take the time out to effectively listen.

This increases trust between both parties and helps solidify any friendship or relationship. By listening more, people will start to like you more because when you listen better and more, you can understand the other person’s point-of-view and give excellent advice in return.

“Listen more than you talk. Nobody learned anything by hearing themselves speak.” — Richard Branson

Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Truly Care About The Other Person

In a world where people are trying to gain an advantage over others and where success sometimes blinds people, it can be hard to stay connected with this world.

Life is not perfect and certainly not fair so it is up to us to adapt ourselves to this nature. Life certainly has its struggles and its ups and downs and this can take a toll on us.

If you are having a perfect day, there will always be a person out there who is having a terrible day.

If you are feeling very happy and excited, there will always be a person out there who is stressed about life in general.

If you are depressed or are going through a breakup, there will always be a person out there who is having the best day of his/her life.

People who are stressed or tensed about life naturally look towards other people for help. Socializing with other people, interacting with family and friends, or just sharing your feelings with other people is an excellent way to take some of the burden off your shoulders and feel a bit more relieved.

If someone who is clearly stressed or depressed comes to you for help, please truly care. Don’t just say that “Things are what it is” or “Life is unfair” because this is the type of stuff that a stressed person does not want to hear.

Instead, take some time out to genuinely listen to what the other person has to say and please do not interrupt when the other person is speaking.

After the other person is done talking, start giving some helpful advice to improve their situation. Go a step further and ask about everything related to what is causing him/her that stress and try to provide meaningful tips to help.

After this encounter, please follow up with that person. Whether you call the next day or the next week or whenever, please stay in touch with that person. Ask the person if his/her situation has improved and if not, what you can do to help.

By doing so, you help the other person and at the same time, that person will like you more. That person will start to enjoy your company and spend more time with you since he/she will know you are a person that truly cares about the well-being of others.

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” — Margaret Mead

Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Always Be Positive

Staying positive and spreading happiness goes a long way in making people like you more. Nobody likes to spend time with people who are constantly bringing people down or are pessimistic.

Let’s say a heavy object falls on your foot and it hurts really bad. If you go to a friend and tell him/her that you think you broke a bone because your foot is swollen and it hurts a lot, a negative person might say, “Yeah, I think you did break a bone because it shouldn’t hurt so much.”

A positive person would say, “Stop worrying about breaking a bone. Only significant injuries lead to that and your injury should get better as time passes. Because your foot is swollen, go apply an ice pack. It will help with reducing pain and swelling.”

It is not difficult to realize which person is more generous and more of a better person to spend time with. People stay away from negative people because they spread tension, anxiety, and make others feel bad about themselves.

Positive people love to spread love, joy, and positive vibes and it’s no wonder these people have so many friends.

If you want someone to start liking you more and spending time with you, just try being more positive. If someone comes to you asking for help or advice, give positive advice.

“It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind.” — Napoleon Hill

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Give Compliments & Praise

It is human nature to feel good about yourself when someone gives you honest compliments and praise. People want to be recognized and appreciated because that helps bolster a person’s self-esteem.

It makes a person feel both good about themselves and to the person who gave them that compliment.

The thing is that whatever compliment or praise that you do give, make sure it is authentic or sincere. Additionally, it doesn’t even have to be about a person’s appearance or the way he/she is dressed.

You could commend someone for a particular trait, a previous or current accomplishment, their character, their behavior in a certain situation, etc.

By making sure the praise is honest and well-directed, people will start to like you more. Nobody wants to hang out with a person that chooses to insult or bring negative vibes to the table. Such people like to bring people down while showing themselves as superior.

Once you start giving out honest praise, people will naturally be attracted towards you because they will know that you are a person who loves to spread praise and positive emotions.

“It’s always nice to receive a compliment.” — Steven Morrissey

Photo by Leon on Unsplash


If you want to become a likeable person, you have to develop the mindset of one. You need to know that you can’t just radiate positive and likeable feelings without giving value to others.

Whether it is giving compliments, caring about other people, trying to be positive, or just listening more, all of this is similar in the sense that you give more attention and meaning to other people which is human nature.

By doing this, you essentially become a magnet where you attract so many people who naturally gravitate towards you and like you more.

