4 Soulful Ways to Nurture Wisdom

How to Aim to live with Wisdom Daily


Photo by Umesh Soni on Unsplash

“We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.” ~ Samuel Smiles

I am open to Wisdom in any size, shape or form it may present itself. Wisdom is something I aim and strive for daily.

In a world where everyone is thinking about getting rich, I am thinking about gaining wisdom! I can sometimes laugh at myself and my ways of thinking, but the best part about my openness, aims and strives is that I know they fulfill me, enrich me, satisfy me and most of all make me happy.

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Wisdom Re-Defined?

I would say that wisdom is the ability to use the best means at the best time to accomplish the best ends. It is not just a matter of knowledge about everything, but a sensible and practical application of that knowledge to the ordinary events of our life. It’s the awareness to be sensitive to a certain situation, to a certain person, not influenced by any corruption of the past. I would even go a step further and say that wisdom relates to developing an eternally positive perspective on life.

I rather strive for a treasure that can only multiply and never be stolen, than strive for money and riches which can literally ditch you when the going gets tough. Wisdom is that one treasure that will keep you afloat whatever the odds. I believe it is one of the major facets of leading a passionately positive life.

That’s the reason when I am faced with hardships and pains, I never turn back and run. I face it head on. I have learned through wisdom to handle any problem with a positive mindset and inner calm.

I am not saying I am wise and that I have all the answers…far from it! What I mean is, when I am striving for wisdom, all the problems and pains don’t seem that big. They don’t seem to be earth shattering issues which make my heart stop. I know the difference between right and wrong….and that’s all because I am open to wisdom.

Every experience & every person in our life is a treasure trove full of life lessons I can gain wisdom from. Lets tap into it.

How to Aim to live with Wisdom Daily?

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Here are a few ways I use to live with Wisdom daily. They are simple enough and oh so soul nurturing:

4 Soulful Ways to Nurture Wisdom


Our life is an ongoing river of experiences. These experiences may be created or brought on by not so happy situations ..but nonetheless they are OUR experiences. When we are open to experiencing life fully, we realize that there is always something to gain from any experience we may face. Positive or negative gain is left to our levels of understanding and emotional choice.

I am open to having every experience fully. To be completely immersed in that feeling, that emotion of the experience makes me wiser for future encounters. If you feel like you need more experience then get out there and meet new people or join a class. The more you get out of your comfort zone the more experience you gain.

As I keep striving to apply this new found experiential wisdom in my everyday life, I can see that my experiences get even more meaningful, even more deeper, even more richer, even more beautiful.


Being closed to learning is like being closed to life itself. Saying “I know everything” is NOT being wise, its being foolish. If you aren’t learning in every given moment of every given day, then its a waste of the grey matter we are all SO blessed with.

I keep myself open to learning by being completely aware of my surroundings. On days when I feel a bit busy and feel like I haven’t learnt as much- I listen to an inspiring Ted talk, or re-read The Magic of thinking Big & Seven Spiritual laws of Success.

I learn by making an effort to read something new, something completely out of my comfort zone too. The new and the old, both have the power to get that grey matter stimulated. It makes for meaningful living and a wiser you.


When we reflect we understand the secrets of life itself. Making a habit to reflect on your day, everyday, paves the way for better days ahead. This is where keeping a small journal comes into play.

Every-night before going to bed I write in my journal…even if its just a few lines. I write about the experiences I have had today and the lessons learned from them. I reflect on what, where and how I could have been more positive and loving. I meditate on a certain idea in order to get answers from the Divine too.

Reflection can be one of the most potent tools in creating the life you want and in understanding your own truth. Reflection just naturally leaves you wiser.


I love “love”, I do! I say it openly and blatantly. I don’t mince words when it comes to what or who I love. I believe life is too short to hold it all in. If you love something or someone express it. Why hold it in? Share it with the world and make it more loving. I wear my heart on my sleeve and this makes me more open to love.

When I am loving, the world and everyone in it reacts with love too. Ever notice how a heart smile is always reflected back almost instantly…that’s proof of love!

Being open to love makes you more reachable, more approachable, more giving, more true. And this love has the power to open doors to the flood of wisdom we never knew existed. Like Rumi says, “Through Love all that is bitter will be sweet, Through Love all that is copper will be gold, Through Love all dregs will become wine, through Love all pain will turn to medicine.”

I may never be very wise(like the saints or spiritual masters), but I know one thing, that aiming to live with wisdom has made me the happiest I could ever be. Paradoxically too, I now don’t know what it means to be “bored”, because I am constantly learning. So win-win!

I often use and say this prayer in the beginning of every group counseling session. I know you will love it and once you read it you will know why I love it so much:

“God, Grant me the serenity; To accept the things I cannot change; The courage, to change the things I can; And the WISDOM, to know the difference.”

***My wisdom treasure trove is growing everyday. How about you? Are you open to wisdom too? Please share you thoughts and your wisdom in the comments. I would love to learn from you.***

With Love,

Zeenat Merchant Syal is a Practicing Counseling Psychologist & Spiritual Counselor. She writes on Healing the Mind, Heart & Soul through Positivity on Positive Provocations & offers Online Counseling there too.



Zeenat Merchant Syal, M.A, M.Sc
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Psychologist & Spiritual Counselor who loves to write on Mental,Emotional&Spiritual Health while sipping on Coffee. 💌 https://tinyurl.com/4t7uyb7k