50 Questions for Deep Self-Reflection

An open challenge for anyone willing to commit to 50 days of reflection.

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by Corina Selberg from Pixabay

Some people have answers, but I, for one, have lots of questions. That inner voice is dying for a dialogue and I have to feed it with some (a lot of, actually) reflection.

Bobby Kountz is right. We need space between the space. We need time between the time. I know I do. I have been neglecting my writing for a long, long time. All focus and energy went into growing the publication and not enough into creating content for me. But now, KTHT is at a level where it is growing naturally, organically and I can become, once again, more invested in my writing.

With that being said, challenges and prompts will continue to be released, but I’ll be taking a break from creating the weekly and weekend masterpieces. I will focus more on reading, as well as on writing for myself. I will also be updating the guidelines soon, as some changes are desperately needed.

For the next 50 days, I’m fully committing myself to a challenge, which means I’ll be writing every day for the next month and a half. The questions in this challenge have been carefully selected — none of them have been included in prompts before, nor in my Shadow Work Journal or any of the Mini Journaling Series I’ve created. They are…



Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Editor at KTHT & Hobbies & Stories. Penning, polishing, and provoking thoughts. My online presence is vast, explore it here: https://linktr.ee/ktht