7 Inspirational Time Quotes to Boost Your Self Love

What is the best thing about the future? Why give up if your time to shine will come?

Josie A Andrew
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

Time is precious. Time is priceless. Time flies. You can cherish time but not hold onto it. It’s your best gift, but you might lose it at any time.

If you live for eighty years, you spend approximately twenty-seven years sleeping (eight hours daily), three years on social media (an hour daily), eight years of eating (two and half hours daily), and so on.

The estimations are from my daily life, so feel free to change the hours and calculate yours.

You can choose to look at your life’s stats negatively, but why not look at the bright side of it? Think of it as an investment to a happier life. An hour of social media daily is good if it relaxes me.

Because above all, you are more precious than time. You can have all the time and money in the world, but it’s useless if you’re not happy. Walk at your own pace and enjoy every step.

Now, you should stop yourself from being the slave of time. Instead, make it your best friend and be grateful every day for the time given to you.

These quotes are among my favorites and help me to stay positive even in difficult times. I…



Josie A Andrew
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Business Owner • Business Consultant • Beauty Coach • Content Creator • Self-Improvement Enthusiast • Coloring & Art Lover • Cat Butler