A Combat Veteran’s Letter to Female Friends: The Reasons I’m Friends with You, part 1, 2, & 3

Transparency beyond expectation: inside information

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

DISCLAIMER: There is a reason why this is 20 minutes. I have pulled all three parts together. Everything you need to know in one sitting and I leave no room for 1) gray areas 2) assumptions and/or 3) misinterpretations. Also, with this 20 minutes, questions that would have been received after each part, now are not asked. I add in here an introduction, my bio, and clear written arrangement of parts. Lastly, I put all the parts together for people to not have to go back and find the other articles. This article is not something you separate anyways. And to make it shorter would make it less accurate.

INTRO: This is the hardest thing I have ever written for public use. Many women will thank me and many men will hate me because women now have all the inside information. P.S. All men that engage with you properly will not fit in these bullets, thus will only put positive comments in the comment section. Let science separate men from guys.

I have read what you all wrote for a decade now and I have listened what you think I am. I think is important that you know every possible thought that runs through my brain like a cute little lizard running through rocks; he pauses to stare at you. Like a…



J & J (Jessica & Joshua J. Lyon, QMHP, ACNP)
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

She's an Accountant & he is an MA in Counseling student at Liberty U, has a BS in Criminal Psychology, is a Mental Health Worker, Combat Veteran, & Writer