A Stagnant Mind Is A Dying Mind

My experience in finding myself again!

Lauren Munoz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readAug 5, 2024


Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

I feel that to be a healthy human, you must continue to learn and experience new things for the time you are here on earth.

Around this time last year, I finally got out of my stunted growth era. You should have seen it, it was bad. My day-to-day life was on a torturous repeat.

For years, my days consisted of waking up to make the same cup of coffee. I stumbled through the house, getting dressed to go to my twelve-hour shift. After I clocked out, I made my way to the nearest drive-through to pick up some type of deep-fried convenience food. I went home and plopped myself down on the same spot on the couch that I sat in every day to binge-watch whatever show on Netflix I could find.

This vicious cycle left me with no sense of purpose. I grew depressed and my anxiety worsened. My self-esteem was shot and I also gained a copious amount of weight, contributing to my depression even more.

I was wasting away mentally and physically. Life was passing me by at an extraordinary speed and I had done myself a huge disservice by wasting my time, being too afraid to step out of my comfort zone. There I was, a woman merely leaving her late twenties and finding myself to be prematurely decaying.

Photo by Lacie Slezak in Unsplash

As a child, I remember life would drag by. I remember anticipating my birthday every year. A month felt like a year and a year felt like an eternity. I realize now that I felt that way because as a child we are constantly being taught something new. Whether that be a school subject, activity or exploring the world with our fresh, sponge-like minds. Everything was so intriguing, life still felt adventurous.

As adults, many of us become consumed with our routines and responsibilities. Working, taking care of children, paying bills, or doing housework has sucked all the adventure out of most of our lives. I feel that doing the same activities and seeing the same environments every day for long periods stops our mental and emotional growth.

Humans are meant to learn the moment they are brought into this world and never stop. I believe the goal is to die with as much wisdom and life experience as possible.

One day, amidst my despairing life, I decided I had enough. I decided to broaden my horizons and make a point to educate myself, even with small things. I created a home library for myself and became obsessed with reading. I started taking care of my body, challenging myself to walk every day. I transformed my body and started feeling healthy again. I increased my social circle, surrounding myself with people who had big aspirations.

Instead of daydreaming of a trip to Europe that I had wanted to do ever since I was a teenager, I saved the money and booked the trip. I made travel and meeting new people a substantial part of my life. Learning to cook and experience new hobbies became a must for me.

I can say that I was suffering in my old ways but now, I am fulfilled. I am eager to continue to expand my mind.

Life is short and time is precious! You only get so many years on this earth. Are you fulfilled? You are not placed on earth to work, pay bills and sleep! You deserve to experience life to the fullest!

Photo by Mesut Kaya on Unsplash



Lauren Munoz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A neophyte writer, using it as my newly found sanctuary. Here to share my creations and seek advice. Excited to entertain and improve! :)