A Stroke Paralyzed My Daughter’s Right Side

I learned how to support her and be a survivor myself

Brenda Mahler
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
9 min readJun 8, 2021


Image from author’s photo album

The pillows were too hard. The food was too cold, and the drink was too warm. The room was too dark, and the sun was too bright. Comfort in a hospital bed, for a patient with limited mobility, remains beyond reach.

The first days after my daughter’s stroke felt like we lived in a horror version of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. However as a mother on a mission, I learned through trial, error, observation and research how to support a hospital patient.

As I sat beside my daughter the days after her diagnosis, I wanted to make everything right. I craved the ability to fulfill my motherly responsibilities only to fall into depression when I could not, until I remembered a lesson a supervisor drilled into my head when I worked to manage situations beyond my control.

Circle of Influence

He would hold up his hands, construct a large circle and say, “Circle of concern.” Then adjust his hands to sign a small circle, “Circle of influence.” He repeatedly reminded me to focus my energy on things I could control.

Control the controllable then release the uncontrollable



Brenda Mahler
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Real life person sharing real life stories. Writing about travel, dogs, and healthy lifestyles.