A Thousand Lies

My mind, my battlefield

Lexy Mae
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readJan 19, 2024


an orange/red neon sign with the word change
Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

There’s a thousand lies that I could say

Of why I let you make me feel this way

There’s a thousand truths to be told

Mine, yours, before reality unfolds

There’s a thousand tears I’ve shed

From a thousand lies I’ve hid

A thousand times I’ve complained

From a thousand moments that have remained the same

A thousand what ifs

A thousand dead ends

A thousand regrets

From a thousand yes

Due to a thousand battles…

I’ve let you win

Out of a thousand there’s one reason

I refuse to look back…

To the thousands of reasons I believed those lies

To the thousands of ways they made me cry

To the thousands of complaints I justified

To the thousands of moments I’ve let dwell inside

There’s one reason I can’t remain the same

There’s one reason everything has changed

I’m NOT the me I was from a thousand yesterday’s

“Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.” — Ephesians 4:23 (NLT)

Our mind is constantly at war. Whether it’s fighting thoughts, assumptions, or fractured pieces of our past. With God those patterns can be renewed. Don’t give up, you’re so close. God bless ❤️

