Acts of Generosity

Aditi Sathye
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readAug 14, 2021
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

Life is a beautiful journey, but not always an easy one. Kindness and generosity are two qualities that can go a long way.

It is horrifying to imagine what kind of world we would be living in if everyone did everything from a place of pure selfishness.

Small acts of generosity that may not be a big deal for the giver, can actually go a very long way for the receiver.

Generosity can come in many different forms.

While every act of generosity counts, certain acts have the power to make the biggest difference. Read on to find out which ones.


Photo by Kate Hliznitsova on Unsplash

Giving in kind can make a big difference to someone who needs a specific thing but cannot afford it. There is no limit to the variety of things that can be donated, be it books, clothing, toys or household items.

Giving in kind can also involve a certain personal touch for the giver. For example, giving something to a child that you could not afford in your own childhood can have a healing effect for the giver.


Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

This is probably the most common type of generosity that we see in the world. Money can be a powerful thing and can help people get through some of the toughest times in their life.

Most people that write on Medium probably don’t have to deal with questions like “how am I going to feed my children today?” This can be a common dilemma for those that struggle below the poverty line.

Among all the different kinds of hardships that life throws at us, financial hardship is probably the worst.

I have lived in India for many years and I have seen first-hand how even a small amount of money can make a big difference for someone who is extremely poor.

But there is a catch.

Your one-time gift will not solve their lifetime problem.

Before long, there is another problem. And another one. The list of problems for those struggling under the poverty line is unending.

From the outside, you have a limited capacity to help another financially. Real change can only come when they find a way to empower themselves.


Photo by Kunj Parekh on Unsplash

To me, time is a very valuable thing. It is a chunk of your life, no matter how large or small. And life is limited. You may make and give endless amounts of money. There is really no ceiling to it.

But the amount of time that is allotted to you, is limited. You can’t really give away your time and then make some more. Once it’s been given, it’s gone.

Some of the most upsetting moments in my life were when I realized that my time had been wasted — especially in relationships.

Relationships can be quite time consuming. I know people who are very selective about who they spend their time with, and how much. These are the people who value their life and refuse to fritter it away with people who add no value to their life.


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

This is one gift that I could have rolled up with money or goods. After all, money can also buy food.

But I truly believe that among all the acts of generosity, food deserves a very special place. It is the foundation of life. It is what keeps us alive.

Think about it. Somebody who is hungry may have a credit card in their wallet or a stash of notes. But they cannot eat these things.

I have read tragic stories in newspapers where somebody got lost on an exciting road trip to a remote part of the country and ran out of food and water. Sadly — they died.

Famine is one of the worst calamities that can hit society.

Being alive is a very fundamental thing. It is the basis of life.


Photo by Tyler Martin on Unsplash

Many spiritual seekers regard the gift of knowledge as the highest form of generosity. In my experience, nothing could be closer to the truth.

Knowledge can be life-transforming.

Those that have generously shared their wisdom have made a life-changing difference for others.

Certain types of gifts have the ability to take you much further than others. Knowledge is that kind of gift. It is a gift that has a lasting nature. It can also be shared with others. And yet, by sharing, you don’t become poorer. But the world becomes richer.

