After Every Chaos Peace Dawns

Poem on the circle of life.

Ruchi Thalwal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A magnificent, delicate flower
fragrance filled lovely creature
Transforming slowly from soft texture
into a solid structure

Enjoying the attraction of bees and butterflies
Sitting on it, sucking its nectar
Wings fluttering on its soft petals
Pollens stick to their legs
Starting the fertilization process

Gradually transforming into something solid
The delicates petals metamorphosed into a sheath
Filled with juice, fiber around a seed
Lunged to the branch with mighty stem
Protecting its identity till it is naturally dropped

But someone threw a stone or two
when they saw it sitting freshly
A huge stone shook its existence
Traumatized from stone
it took a huge fall on the ground

Looking above at its home in mercy
But people took it in their hands
Stripped and eaten there and then
They discarded its hard seed



Ruchi Thalwal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

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