All You Need

When life isn’t going as planned

Jonathan Morris Schwartz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

“When we hit a brick wall there are only three options: bust through it and risk breaking our skull, try to climb over it and hope we don’t fall, or paint it your favorite color and live behind it.”

Do you like me?

I physically matured early. At 16, I looked about 20 and worked for the city of Hollywood, Florida at David Park Community Center. I was able to go to bars with much my much older colleagues. We’d go to a place called Rickey’s where I was introduced to bloody Mary’s and raw oysters.

I told them the raw oysters looked globs of mucous, but they swore I’d love them. One said to chew them; the other said to swallow them whole like a pill. They were expensive but I was told the “elevator repairman” would be taking care of the bill.

He was the husband of my colleague who was 38-years-old.

He said he was really an engineer who was part of a team that invented high-speed elevators in office towers in New York and Chicago. He drank enough to tell me he was wealthy but always told everyone he was an elevator repairman.

