An Easy Guide to The Best Love Life

and keeping it sweet and stable …

America Zed⚡
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Jocelyn Allen on Unsplash

Romantic relationships need to be a ‘two way street’ in order to have any joy, growth or stability. Problems soon arise when one partner no longer tries or cares to meet the needs of the other.

It isn’t about counting the cost of what one has lost or gained from a relationship as no one else is responsible for our happiness. However, if you truly love and respect someone, you’ll want to make them happy and see it as a privilege to be part of their life and to be of help, otherwise:
What is the point of a relationship if you don’t intend to care for your partner wholeheartedly and offer your best self ? (assuming one wishes to have a happy, complementary union, not a sad, resentful one).

Even if one person tries to help the other and isn’t successful, it’s the trying that makes the difference to their partner. This is how respect and love thrive.

People can still grow together and be independent in their thinking and way of living, if there is plenty of love, respect and connection involved. Both partners also need truckloads of self-respect and compassion to start with, so they don’t deny, mistreat or overlook themselves in the pairing.
Remember: Everyone matters equally + you teach people how to treat you.



America Zed⚡
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Survivor. Optimist. Compassionate Soul ❤️ INSPIRATION / HELP ~ Top Writer in POETRY 🦋