Anger Is A Powerful Tool If You Know How To Use It

Emotions can build you up or tear you down

Wendy S. Bradfield
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


An angry face emoji with angry faced girls on each side
Image by M. H. from Pixabay

Monday Prompt for the 7-day self-reflection marathon: How can I let my anger alchemize and fire me into a new version of myself? Thank you, Diana C., for this juicy 7 Day self-reflection marathon!

The sheer force of love drives me to help others, but it’s anger that makes me move my ass and be the change I want to see. It might sound cliche, but it's true as anything I’ve ever known.

Emotions can derail you or forge new pathways.

Somewhere along the road, I got tired of hating myself. The questions came pouring in — why don't I love myself? Why can't I like myself? My anger grew into a full-fledged fortress of doom.

How does a person love one’s self? It seems basic, like, shouldn’t it just be automatic? Well, it's not. It’s learned.

The closest I ever came to loving myself is not loathing myself on any particular day. Basically, I tolerated myself with utter disdain while hateful self-talk simmered in the background. My mother hated herself, and she passed that value down to me, as her mother passed it to her.

For the first part of my life, I was my mother’s shadow. I hated myself, but I couldn’t understand why. I figured everyone hated…



Wendy S. Bradfield
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A cosmos-driven Egypt-based writer of broken dreams with a motivational flair. I write about love, life, and Egypt. Check me out at