Another Step

spoken word poetry

Mira Khatib
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readMar 12, 2022


Image by TanteTati from Pixabay

I drew in a shuddering breath as I took a step forward.

My bare feet felt unnaturally cold on the asphalt, and I paused for a moment to watch the fingers of a lone cloud.

A drop of dew clung desperately to the fragile surface just before it snapped under its own weight.

It reminded me of my broken soul,

clinging on, searching for hope.

I took another step forward, hesitating for just a moment, before I glanced at my reflection in the bored puddle, allowing myself a moment to gather my strength.

I told myself I must keep going, there is no other way but forward.

It is unnatural to stay motionless, to feel so heavy unable to move and be part of the rough dirt.

Another step,

it must be towards the right direction.

Another step,

a bit closer to my goal.

Another step,

making distance from the pain of the past.

Another step,

a glimpse of hope peaks.

Another step,

sun rays shimmer in the horizon.

Another step,

weight is slowly lifting.

Another step,

I’m reconnecting with myself, with my soul.

Another step,

forgiving myself and accepting mistakes.

Another step,

making peace with the universe.

Another step,

still believing in love and all that is good.

Another step and another and another…

Not sure of the destination,

yet I feel I'm on the right path.

Keeping my faith that there is so much more beauty to explore.

I have the urge to look back,

maybe even stop,

maybe even turn around and go back to where I started.

The thought terrifies me,

I resist my self-sabotage.

I encourage myself to keep going.

I treat myself with kindness and patience.

Then I realize, it’s all up to me.

I’m in control and it is up to me how I continue my journey.

Either with an open mind and heart moving forward,

even through fear and pain.

Or talk myself backwards,

hammering myself to the ground also with fear and pain.

The cycle of my actions, the feeling of joy and acceptance even when it is difficult,

is in the end what makes me grow, makes me whole, makes me human.

Worth the journey, worth moving forward, worth another step.

Just keep walking.

