Apologies, Diminishing Return

Thinking, Reading, & Writing Suffers as Hours of Sleep Decline


Brain Fog in the Folds of the Grey Matter | Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

To those I usually read, I have fallen off due mainly to a decline in hours of good sleep…

Fast Brain/Slowed Actions

Due to an early untreated dyslexic learning disability, I was beset with a stigma of being “slow”. I entered middle school with Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD as a diagnosis. I overcame reading one-word-at-a-time by pointing-at-each-word on my own. I developed speed-reading for information. My fallback position has been and continues to be reading aloud. Reading aloud for pleasure because I love the sound and sensuousness of words.

While I took typing in High School and at Yale-North Haven Summer School, I was too slow to type like a “normal”. I tried the typing I had learned in High School/Summer School when I trusted my body not to betray me. I typed 45 words per minute with a ton of mistakes. But I reverted to the hunt-and-peck method. Trust, you see, or the lack of it, was not for me.

A few days ago, I turned 73. Apparently, there is an operation that can reduce the size of my prostate. If I can get my doctor to agree, line up transportation, etc., I…



Frank Ontario 🦋🕊️🌍
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Welcome to the Realms of Mystery. Top Writer in Spiritual Energy. Messenger. Explorer of the heart.