Arc Of A Grand Cycle Of Time

What is Time?

Melanie J.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Weekend Prompt: “Poised On An Arc Of A Grand Cycle Of Time”

When I read the weekend prompt it immediately piqued my interest because I have been thinking about doing a piece on time. But because it is such a complicated topic, I pumped the brakes on the piece. Of course, in comes 𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘊. with all her wisdom as she conjured up this insightful topic. So, here I am with my limited wisdom trying to tackle this gigantic beast.

What is time? The only thing I know for sure is that time has always existed, and it waits for no one. It will pass regardless if you are happy, sad, or indifferent. The cycle of time will repeat itself until infinity plus a day, or plus a week, or plus another billion years of infinities, I guess — I am no scientist.

If you Google time you will eventually come across that time is an illusion. Is it an illusion or could it be that we are living in a simulation and the cycle of time has been predetermined? Is that too far, maybe so, but let us examine time a bit further.

If you practice mindfulness, then the scientific explanation of time should not matter to you because the only time that is relevant is this very moment. But in an instant, poof that moment is gone, did you just time travel? If you are a scientist like Albert Einstein, you would…

