Are We In The Bubble Of Reality Or a Mere Simulation?

Which norms should I follow in this illusion of rainbow thoughts?

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readAug 23, 2021


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Where do I start?

Should I start the day when the pandemic began?


Should I talk about, how I transformed to a new normal person?


Should I ramble about things happened during the pandemic 2.0, which reversed me back to my worst?

What has the Covid-19 pandemic taught you?

A rush of neurons may hit your consciousness

How that could be?

Initial pandemic situations have made us sit at home, forcing us to do something productive/interesting to survive this long curfew.

So what did we actually learn from being in this lockdown?

  • Cooking?
  • Cleaning households?
  • Online courses?
  • To be healthy & hygienic?
  • To Love?
  • To give attention to both the real & virtual world?
  • Ownself?

Yeah, so many of us would have figured it out — the real-life lessons!

What we are actually capable/that should be removed off

We may have witnessed the actual intention behind relationships

We may have faced the loss of closed ones

In a nutshell, a rigorous roller coaster ride that made us realize:

Anything can happen!

1st phase of life towards a new normality:

Having to spend a lot of time with parents, relatives and virtual strangers (once friends) was something relatively new that felt good at first….

Online classes destroyed the connection with the teachers and books. On the other side, looked like a huge business potential for tech giants to step inside with courses to subscribe to.

After months of life-spent with laptops, smartphones and television turned me into an irregular body shape. Adding to that, watched more YouTube videos on “How to be fit in 30/60/90 days”

Started with the struggle.
Put of all my inner anger/frustration into lifting weights.

I should accept that this fitness journey gave me confidence that I never experienced before, a rewarding part of this pandemic life!

Social Media is make-up, filter, highlighter or call it whatever you want.

Obviously, there is no better time than this, yet there are limits!
To be honest, the Social Media Virus is more infectious than anything else that exists in this world.

If you want to be viral among them, just participate.


Everyone who finds the symptoms will be catching the virus unknowingly. It will feel like a different world where all people constantly try to show off their presence either by skill or sexually…

You know who wins at the end!

“Life changes when we remember a person’s birthday through archives or Instagram stories”

There is no vaccine for this infection, guys.
Play knowing the limits or end up sinking into the black hole.

Hey, Long time no see

Being locked up in our home, somewhat made us know the difference between the real and the really good act

Easily, we would’ve come across many incidents like:

  • Being friends with someone you never imagined you’d be friends with
  • Unfriend one whom you never thought of
  • Backstabbers
  • Unknown people — that made you think like,
    “Where have you been hiding this whole life?”

“Life changed — When we believed this is going to be forever”

“From error to error, one discovers the entire truth” — Sigmund

Pandemic 2.0 is a backstroked cycle

The above-said scenario is happening right now again.

Like what the hell!?

Alright, enough.

We are all stuck in a coded simulation

Never have I ever thought this fate of my life is already written.

Never have I ever thought we’d be trapped in a maze.

These mere intriguing questions arrived when I watched a scientific movie named “Project Agni”

It explained that our ancestors or so-called advanced civilizations, have put us here with an in-built formula running inside us.

so here is when my mind sparked like a bulb!

Spirituality summons Truth

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Spirituality serves as a magic tool to escape or outlook reality.
The underlying foundation of all spiritual communities is to attain a higher consciousness and achieve a state of an idle mind.

Why do we need that?
Why do monks sacrifice all external stuffs for this?
What’s the use of attaining a higher level of mind?
What do I get after that?
Is there something afterlife?
Is that something that will lead us to a higher form of life?

If you have read through till this, you can see where I’m going with this.

I have questioned a lot here. Only you and I can find answers through our own understandings.

There is no re-entry

“There are no coincident or accidents in the world. Nothing is by chance. Everything you’re experiencing is a direct manifestation of where you’re focusing your energy, attention and consciousness”

There is no one entry to the life of unexplored dimensions. We keep exploring, re-entering the same door until we see what’s real!

We will know by then.

Find it. No excuses. No looking back. 1 life. Infinite ways to live.

Live. Love. Explore.


~ Aswin



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

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