How to Make Decisions Through Intuition

Anja Joy Bont
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readMay 25, 2023
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

I find making decisions hard when money and the people I love are involved. Here is what I learned to make my decisions through intuition.

This morning I woke up and immediately picked up my phone. I have a strict rule of not checking messages, emails and social media for the first 2 hours of the day. I broke that rule within minutes of waking up. I scrolled through my Instagram, read nice quotes, and listened to mindful messages. I felt a split sensation within me.

On the one hand, I thought: how beautiful. Those messages make me feel so good.
On the other hand: look at how peaceful they all are. Look at how soft their life is. Their voices are so calm and soothing. And here I am, feeling disconnected and restless.

Eventually, I got up. I did my morning routine of brushing my tongue, drinking warm water, and doing breathing exercises until I finally sat on the sofa to write in my journal.

I opened my journal and wrote five sentences until I felt the need to pick up my phone. And I did. Because why not? I had already broken my rule for the day. I might as well roll with it.
I opened my Whatsapp. I replied to messages.
I opened my email. I read emails.

Then I returned to my journal and wrote: I am so distracted today. I feel very disconnected from myself. I don’t feel the flow. Even writing in my journal feels like a task. And isn’t it supposed to make me feel good? Better, at least?

Then I remembered that the restlessness and inner turmoil were with me throughout yesterday. One of the videos I watched this morning was from Gabrielle Bernstein.

In that video, she said: ‘Whenever she feels some triggering emotion, she asks herself Who is in the room with me?’
She said: ‘I know that it’s a part of me that is activated. It is not who I am.’ And then, she goes on an enquiry to learn more about that part of her that is activated.

So I did that. It was clear that my constant distraction from my present moment was due to some emotion I wasn’t addressing.
I asked myself: Who is with you right now? Who else is in the room?
The answer: Anxiety and nervousness.
I continued: Why do you feel anxious and nervous?
And then I remembered a Job offer I received through Instagram two days ago.

I make my money as a hair and makeup artist. Recently, over the last two years, I’ve been in a transition. Since becoming more aware of my SELF and how I feel, I started to say No to jobs more often. This particular job is well paid. That is why I haven’t replied yet.

Over the past 48 hours, I had a debate going on in my mind between my brain saying: Life is getting more and more expensive, take the job!
And my body saying: But this job is giving me anxiety. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I don’t want to do it.

Hence, I haven’t decided yet and let the message dangle like a pendulum in the wind. So I did what I always do when making decisions through intuition: I closed my eyes and talked to her.

Access intuition through Meditation

Come into a comfortable seated position.
Relax your shoulders and place your hands, palms facing upwards, on your legs. Or if you feel like it, one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly.
Gently close your eyes.
Take a couple of deep belly breaths into your nose and out of your mouth.
Then direct your focus towards your intuition, and check in with her.
Ask her: How do you feel if I say yes? How do you feel if I say no?
Notice how the sensation within your body change.
You’ll notice one feels soothing. Comforting. Expansive.
And one feels contracting. Tight. Nervous.
I usually go back and forth between yes and no a couple of times. Just to make sure. 🙂

I did that Meditation, but it didn’t work. Both ways felt nervous because, of course, my body was feeling anxious and nervous.

I kept sitting there with my eyes closed, hoping to calm my nervous system with my breath. And then, I received this image to access intuition.

Peak through the door

Imagine two wooden doors before you. On the one door, in capital letters, it says YES. On the other door, it says NO.

First, I opened the door, saying YES to the job.
As I looked through, I saw wilderness. Bushes. It was wild and overgrown. It made me feel claustrophobic.
Then I closed that door and walked towards the one that said NO.
I opened the door and saw a path. It was a light grey pebbled path slightly curved to the right. On either side of the trail were meadows. They reached far and wide, and it felt peaceful. Silent. Easy. Comfortable.

Image from Author

I opened my eyes, and I knew what to do. I picked up my phone and said NO.

Within minutes, my stillness returned. I left my sofa, sat on the meditation cushion to connect with myself and felt love, ease, and peace. My body returned to softness, and I felt excited about the day ahead. All anxiety and nervousness had left my body.

Isn’t it fascinating what impact procrastinating and not making a decision can have on us?
Isn’t it just amazing how strongly our bodies speak to us? And tell us what is right or wrong?
We all have that inner guidance within us. Sometimes she’s very strong but often, it’s the subtle shifts.

Even after years of trying my best to listen to intuition, I still find making decisions hard, especially when money or people I love are involved. But when we do decide and choose to listen and follow our heart’s desire, there is peace awaiting us.

I like to think of it this way: Every time we make a decision that aligns with intuition, it is a love letter to ourselves. Our Body. Our energy system. It’s that silent yet comforting voice saying, ‘It might not make sense in my mind, but I hear you. I feel you. And I take you seriously. I love and care for you, and that is why I will listen to what you tell me. I trust you, and strengthening our connection is my priority.’

How do you make decisions through intuition? What were your experiences when you listened, or what were your experiences when you ignored her? I would love to know 🤗🌸

With so much love,
Anja x

PS: In case you would like to connect with your intuition, I have just uploaded a guided Meditation for you. 🤗



Anja Joy Bont
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

In awe of life. Always looking for ways to feel better. I live life through stories and like to share them📚 I have blog