Are You The Music or the Dancer?

Day #1 KTHT 15-day writing challenge: Safe harbor in a storm


Photo by Manyu Varma on Unsplash

You whip through the cosmos with stars in your hair
Trails of crystals in your wake
You are the khamsin in the desert
Broken bits of microscopic matter piled up into a great sand sea

You are the thunder crackling through the inky black sky
Swathes of wind, water, and fury
You erupt, fire breathes out from your belly, engulfing the Earth
Throne and power, thinker and manifester, spirit and flesh

You are the music and the dancer
Welcome home dear one
Be not surprised
You are the harbor and the storm



Wendy S. Bradfield
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A cosmos-driven Egypt-based writer of broken dreams with a motivational flair. I write about love, life, and Egypt. Check me out at