At the End of the Day

What do you say?

Rita Duponty
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Gabriel Garcia Marengo on Unsplash

When your day’s boil
comes to a simmer, and
your lights and vitality
grow dimmer, what will
you say at the end of
your day?

Will you bemoan the
fruitless calls you made
on the phone?

Will you look at your
money and lament
because you’re in

Or, will you gladly say
at the end of your day…

“Thank you Lord,” I have
what I need. Your words
are my sustaining feed.

I encouraged one person
in my journey along the

I laughed until I cried.
Silliness took over as
I felt an ache in my side.

All in all my day was
okay. A few problems
and factors headed my
way. But, I was proud to
have tackled them with
confidence and little

At the end of this day,
l thank God for being
there as I continue to walk
with him life’s pathway.

What do you say?

© Rita Duponty, June 2021

Thank you for reading. Have a blessed and happy day.

