At The Kitchen Table

Prompt Thursday: Write about extraordinary, mundane things that tug at your heart.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


“At The Kitchen Table“ |© Design by Kiran Kumar

The simple things in life are full of joy,
such as the ability to cook and serve
mouth-watering dishes at the kitchen table.
Laying the table with knives, forks and napkins
grateful that we can eat at all.
Clinking water glasses as if they are champagne,
Raising a toast for our very best and digging into
the food that we are blessed to receive.
Saying grace for us and those who have less,
wishing that God serves them well
I’m grateful for those extraordinary, mundane things
things that tug at my heart every day.
Thank you, Lord, for the blessings we receive.

©Kiran Kumar 5th August 2021
Thank you for reading my poetry.🙏

I’m excited and proud to be submitting my second poem as a response to the prompts from KTHT.

Thank you, Diana C., for your encouragement, support and providing me with the opportunity to publish on KTHT. 🙏 💕



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I Am: A Mother,Poet,Entrepreneur, Empowerment & Pro-Ageing Advocate, Podcaster, and Speaker. Click the link to find out more: