ATUM — The Prince of Light!

A Poetic Meditation in Celebration of Life!

Jamen Mendes
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Image, courtesy of DESALB (Pixabay)

I Am Atum — The Prince of Light!
I Am the Force that Creates all Beings,
Emerging from the Primal Waters of Nun!

I Am Atum-Ra — The Fashioner of Life!
I Am the Creator and the Begetter of All.
I Am the Primal Sound and the vessel of Reality.

Time began with my Presence!
Space — Genesis — began with my Emanation!
Life came into Being with my Vibration!

I AM the Creator!
I AM the Divine!
I AM the Almighty ATUM!

You are my Presence upon the Earth.
The Earth is my Plane of Geb.
And, Heaven is my plane of Nut!

All is Life — my Life.
All is Alive — alive as I in the form of Beings and Elements.
All is Eternal — eternal as I Am Everlasting!

I Am the Prince of Life!
I Am the Prince of Peace!
I Am the Prince of Harmony!

I Am the Light of Intelligence.
I Am the Light of Intuition.
I Am the Light of Imagination.

I Am the Light Thought.
I Am the Light of the Heart.
I Am the Almighty One of One!

I Am Atum!
I Am the All.
I Am I!



Jamen Mendes
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Author, Musician, Metaphysician, and Artist. I write about Crypto, Spirituality, Consciousness, Art, and Reality.