Bargain Bonanza

Venture into the bustling world of post-Christmas sales, where the chase for deals brings out a blend of chaos, comedy, and the thrill of the hunt

CJ Coop
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readDec 27, 2023


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Bargain Bonanza Venture into the bustling world of post-Christmas sales, where the chase for deals brings out a blend of chaos, comedy, and the thrill of the hunt
Bargain Bonanza by C.J.Coop | Created with Midjourney

Bargin Bonanza

Once Christmas tidings fade into memory’s fold,
Retailers fling open their doors, bold,
With banners fluttering in winter’s cold,
Announcing sales, discounts untold.

Oh, what a sight, these early hours!
Crowds amass, their powers tower.
Armed with lists, they scurry and scour,
For bargains sweet, they flower.

Jumbled aisles, a treasure trove,
Shoppers dash in frenzied rove.
Eyes a-twinkle, how they stove,
For that last scarf, in vogue.

Hear the tills’ relentless ringing,
Echoing shoppers’ merry singing.
Trolley wars, quite unforgiving,
In this bargain banquet, living.



CJ Coop
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

| Poet | Storyteller | British | Lodestar Gazette Owner |