Battling the Unseen: A Personal Journey through Invisible Struggles

The invisible battles we all fight-why we should share our struggles

Sam Letterwood
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readOct 14, 2023


Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash

Look at those eyes! Those are telling a story. Do you ever feel like you’re waging an invisible battle, one that no one else can see, let alone understand? We’ve all been there at some point, right? Those moments when you put on a brave face, but beneath the surface, there’s a storm raging. Today, I want to share a personal story about the invisible battles we fight, the ones that often leave us feeling alone and overwhelmed.

It’s a sunny morning, and I’m sipping my coffee, trying to wake up and face the day with a smile. From the outside, everything seems fine. But deep down, I’m wrestling with self-doubt and anxiety, a silent struggle that has been my companion for as long as I can remember. It’s like a heavy cloak that I can’t shake off, no matter how hard I try. Some days, it feels like I’m walking through life with this invisible weight on my shoulders.

As I go about my day, I wonder how many others are carrying their own invisible burdens. Maybe it’s a friend who always seems cheerful but is battling loneliness in silence. Or a colleague who appears confident but grapples with imposter syndrome. Have you ever took the time to notice! We’re experts at masking our inner turmoil, wearing a mask of strength and resilience to fit in, to avoid judgment or pity. But what if we could break free from this cycle? What if we could openly talk about our invisible battles and find strength in our vulnerability?

I remember a particularly challenging period when I was dealing with a profound sense of loss. It wasn’t the kind of loss that comes with a funeral and condolences; it was the loss of a dream, a vision of my future that had crumbled. I felt adrift, as if the path I’d been walking on had vanished, leaving me in a maze of confusion. But I kept telling myself to stay strong, not to let others see my struggle. After all, isn’t that what society expects of us?

Have you ever been in a similar situation, where you felt like you needed to put on a façade to fit in? How did it make you feel? To be fake to fit in the majority! Who wants to be called weak or an alien!

There’s a powerful quote by Brené Brown that says,

“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”

It resonates deeply with me. In embracing our vulnerability and sharing our invisible battles, we might just find the strength to overcome them.

One day, I decided to take a different approach. I confided in a close friend about the pain I was going through, the dreams that had shattered, and the fear that had been holding me back. It was terrifying and difficult to expose my inner struggles, but it was also liberating. I was afraid to feel so vulnerable and telling my fears out. My friend didn’t offer solutions or platitudes; instead, she listened, offered a shoulder to lean on, and shared her own struggles. In that moment, I realized that I wasn’t alone in my invisible battle.

What would happen if we all allowed ourselves to be vulnerable, to show our true selves to the world, including our invisible battles? Could we build deeper connections with others, finding solace and strength in our shared struggles?

As I started to open up to more people, I discovered that many of them had their own invisible battles. It was like we had stumbled upon a secret club of authenticity, where we didn’t need to pretend anymore. We could be ourselves, imperfections and all, and that was not only accepted but celebrated.

This newfound connection and authenticity didn’t magically erase my struggles, but it gave me the courage to face them. It’s as if the act of sharing and connecting with others created a safety net that allowed me to take risks, to step outside of my comfort zone. It’s not that my invisible battles disappeared; it’s that I found a way to coexist with them, to acknowledge their presence without letting them define me. Or feel like an ostrich burying his head down in the sand and hoping for a miracle to happen!

Invisible battles will always be a part of life, but we have the power to make them visible through the lens of empathy and vulnerability. It’s the hidden pain, the unspoken worries, the unshared fears that make us human. So, let’s open up, let’s talk about our struggles, and let’s embrace the beauty of imperfection. In doing so, we can turn our invisible battles into visible strengths. For the same, medium also offers a nice platform, why not use it to the best of our abilities to face our inner demons and rise above with this robust and supportive medium community!

Again, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” — Rumi

Please be a part of this collective journey. Your experiences and insights are the missing threads that can weave the stories together. Share your wisdom, and let’s connect our perceptions. Can’t wait to hear from you!



Sam Letterwood
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner