Be Still, Listen

Madeleine Royce
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readApr 14, 2021

30 Days of Poetry Day 6: What dwells within the unconscious mind?

Photo by Edurne Chopeitia on Unsplash

Deafening silence, it sounds so loud
Will you listen to me please?
My inner self is screaming out
I’m down on my knees

Muted and ignored for years
I’m here, please let me out
I’ve forgotten who she is
The outer you is suffering, do not make me shout

I know she’s always been there
I want to be with you
I know she knows me best
There’s so much we can do

But the world convinced me otherwise
I’m tired of hiding
I have failed every test
Too much time I’ve been biding

I want to let her out now
Open the door, just a bit
I want to set her free
I promise that you won’t regret

But I’m afraid the world won’t like her
You deserve to be whole now
Or rather, won’t like me
Please let us come together, if you will allow

My heart it has been empty
I’ve missed you oh so terribly
Since the day I locked her away
Each day passes unbearably

I’m ready to reunite as one
I am meant to be seen
Together, we can face the day
That’s how it always should have been

Bravely, I step forward
I see you are now ready
I reach out for her hand
It’s okay if you feel unsteady

She wraps me in a warm embrace
I’ve wanted to hold you for so long
Instantly, my heart mends
Hand-in-hand is where we belong

“What took me so long?” I ask myself
You were on a journey all your own
The answer is as simple as fear
Don’t worry, I’ve always known

“Never again,” I whisper to the girl
You knew exactly what to do
And with those words, I finally heal
I will always love you



Madeleine Royce
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write about life. Healing, growing, truly living. Trauma can hold us down, sometimes just sharing your story will set you free.