Be The Example In Life

KTHT Poetry Challenge Day 9 - Walk your talk

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


“Be The Example In Life” |© Design by the Author: Kiran Kumar

Be the example in life,
lead from the front,
don’t trail behind,
believe in who you are,
don’t hide in the shadows,
speak your truth,
be honest to the core,
say it as it is -
there’s no need to sugarcoat the truth.
Stand up and stand out,
don’t cower in the corners or in the dark,
shine in the light,
follow your moral compass,
listen to your intuition,
believe in who you are
because you are more than you think.
Walk your walk,
talk your talk,
and see others follow in your path.

©Kiran Kumar 1st November 2021
Thank you for reading my poetry🙏

My penultimate poetic response to : KTHT’s 10 Day Poetry Challenge.
See details below:-

Thank you Diana C., for the outstanding prompts and for publishing my poems🙏 💕

Wish to support my work ( poetry & designs). Feel free to ☕️Buy me a Coffee ☕️ (me payer un cafe). Merci 🙏



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I Am: A Mother,Poet,Entrepreneur, Empowerment & Pro-Ageing Advocate, Podcaster, and Speaker. Click the link to find out more: