Be the Mad Scientist of Your Life

We plan, we hope, we dream, but truth is sometimes things just don’t go as expected. It’s like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded, right?

Sneha Bharadwaj
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readNov 29, 2023


A little nudge, a bit of guidance, or even a tiny push can mean the world when life gets tangled. Suffering isn’t something you can measure with a ruler or weigh with a weighing scale. It’s this invisible weight we carry, each in our own way.

Author’s Image from her visit in Durban , South Africa

From the outside, people might seem to have it all as per our perception — happiness. But here’s the twist — inside, everyone’s battling something. It’s like we’re all in this secret struggle club, dealing with stuff no one else knows about.

I’ve learned that when life becomes entangled, planning becomes this dance of uncertainty. So, instead of obsessing over a detailed plan, I’ve shifted focus to having backup plans for the unknown. Life will never get fair. It never promised to be. But hey, we’re all in this crazy ride together trying to find what works and what eases the stress and what might brings us a slice of happiness.

The catch? It’s different for everyone. What’s my key to a brighter day might be a whole different story for you. But here’s the sweet part “ discovering what clicks, what makes the heart lighter, that’s the magic potion that changes every single day”. I’m a firm believer in the power of a little empathy like a sprinkle of understanding, a pinch of support and a bucket-load of kindness. Because sometimes, that’s all it takes to turn someone’s day around.

To sum it up , this quote by David Cronenberg , I find perfect in the context of our lives :)

“Everybody’s a mad scientist, and life is their lab. We’re all trying to experiment to find a way to live, to solve problems, to fend off madness and chaos.”



Sneha Bharadwaj
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

An IT Professional, a mother of two kids , a certified Yoga Teacher and someone who is very keen in sharing different perspectives about life and experiences.