Beholding the Love as a New Season Is Upon Us

Contemplations — What’s meant for you will not miss you

Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Big thanks to 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓪 𝓒 for the inspiring prompt.

Regret is a deceiver that compels one to ignore his fate; with trusting faith, you can be bold
To face what comes next — a more precious jewel than any gold you can find.

As this lively year comes to an end, I am astonished by how fast it went by. The vibrant pace of life resembled the speed of old VHS cassettes in forward mode. Nevertheless, it entailed a lot of growth, revelation, and expansion.

I have found that life becomes more meaningful when one takes the time to immerse in such moments of reflection. Such life lessons can harbor within you the quiet confidence and clarity to soar onto uncharted territories.

This year, I have strained to preserve an open mind and heart towards my regrets; there is beauty to celebrate amid such struggles.



Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Faith & Life Ambassador, Quadrilingual, Visionary, Writer, Adventurer