Black, White, or Gray

What color do you see as you age?

Rita Duponty
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash

In youthful vigor you may
see in black or white.
Your visionary perspective
is wrong or right.

You see only the possibility
of one side. That is, one
side of wrong, and one
side of right.

Time, experience, and age
will help you turn the page.
Black and white are now
at times the color gray.

What happened in this
chemical equation to
cause you to see another
way? Especially gray…

Every act is preceded by
a thought.
Every thought has a

What causes a person
to scream out in rage?

What thoughts flow to
reiterate volumes of

What flows from the
heart in any con or
pro reaction?

