Blooming Against Odds

A daisy’s tale of resilience and love

CJ Coop
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readFeb 24, 2024


A single daisy flourishing in a concrete crack in the bustling city, under the soft glow of the setting sun. A child marvels at its beauty, symbolizing hope and resilience amidst urban adversity.
Resilience Blooms in Concrete: A Daisy’s Urban Tale | Created with Bing AI by Author

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Grit and grace beneath city skies,
A daisy dares to rise.
“Odd place for beauty,” a passerby muses,
Yet, within its petals, a world of surprises.

“Look at me,” it seems to say,
“I’ve found my sun, I’ve made my way.”
No soil, no rain, will to live,
In cracks and crevices, I forgive.

A child squats, eyes wide with wonder,
“Flower, how do you thrive down under?”
With a smile, she hears its silent reply,
“Love and resilience, that’s how I fly.”

Through seasons of neglect, it stood,
A beacon of hope in a neighbourhood.
“Let me tell you,” it whispers to the breeze,
“Life finds a way, it bends, it frees.”



CJ Coop
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

| Poet | Storyteller | British | Lodestar Gazette Owner |