Blue Moon’s Day

And a great week just started

Anthi Psomiadou
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Drew Tilk on Unsplash

I turned Monday into Moonday — that’s the meaning underneath—
‘cause today I've got the blues, and the blues fit Selene.
We also have a blue moon-river every 2–3 years;
It’s rare, it’s autonomous, it comes and disappears.
It's morning and unsuitable to talk about the moon, but I don't care;
the sun just makes it non-phenomenon, but it's still there.
The blues can be a creative flame, though there's nostalgic
melancholy somewhere within.
But I'm not attached to words and patterns.
I see them manifesting in parallel with clarity.
So, after I “palpated” the thoughts that danced in front of me,
I understood their message, I realized. I “see”.
I sense procedures in my brain;
it’s connected to the heart, the organs, and the rest of my fleshy “train”.
The mind is present as I travel, so emotion doesn't drag me.
I absorb just the core-warmth of it; I may got the blues, but I'm sunny.
I'll come to conclusions then, I'll synthesize a poem,
listening to a favorite song by Leonard Cohen.
Whatever comes out of it, I'll insert it in life's action.
Being more effective, brings me satisfaction.
I'm leaving now ‘cause the moon is calling.
I'll search for the surrounding signals; everything can be symbolic.



Anthi Psomiadou
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writing, Life Coaching, Criminology, and more. But I simply do these, I am not these. I just am. Born and living in Greece (in both Ancient and modern…)