Boys Just Want to Have Fun

Girls do too…I see the makings of a deal

Jonathan Morris Schwartz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Jakob Rosen on Unsplash

We all want the same things.

Love, money, fun, peace of mind, longevity.

Most people are decent, hard-working, and fair.

But something has changed.

The veneer is wearing thin.

We instinctively know our country and the world are broken, and the game is rigged.

Yet there’s something deep inside us kindling, always on the verge of burning, with hope.


Most people realize God and the bible are not to be taken literally. That the bush didn’t actually burn, dead weren’t brought back to life, and a single fish didn’t feed thousands of people (unless they took tiny bites).

Let’s admit it, there is a simplistic charm in thinking your behavior determines whether you spend an eternity in Ritz-Carlton-like heaven or eternal, burning hell.

Up until fairly recently, a decent number of Americans believed that being too materialistic and accumulating too much wealth was ungodly and went against the teachings of Jesus (see Mathews).

Sure, humans always seek to increase their pleasure and decrease pain, but we no longer fear a boogeyman in the sky watching…



Jonathan Morris Schwartz
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Jonathan Morris Schwartz is a speech-language pathologist writing about human relationships, love, politics, philosophy, and consciousness.