Brave Enough To Soften

Acceptance and surrender

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


by xusenru- pixabay

Round and round the lesson-go-round,
Alone with thy dark, battered, agonizing self,
Again and again,
Each turn, new vision bestowed,
until finally I notice the beauty of it all,
What once was hell is now just another moment in time,
When will it end,
No one knows,
No longer traumatized by the journey,
Because now I can always be set free.

In life we have the choice to become hardened and bitter by our difficult experiences, we reach a point where we must risk softening if we want to work to smooth out those traumas, begin anew, and restore our faith in amongst hopelessness.

I remember my first day of school, I was one of those children that grabbed onto my mum’s leg and cried for her to not leave me there. I was a shy, sensitive child, terrified by the unknown.

Although I have learned to not let my fear or introverted nature stop me from doing things in life, there are still a lot of ways I am learning to open up, soften and release patterns of my past.

Early on I associated some of the parts of myself including my sensitivity and…



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Your own truth will set you free. Writer on self awareness, personal growth and spirituality.