Break The Chains

Madeleine Royce
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readApr 23, 2021

30 Days of Poetry Day 10: Addressing self-imposed limits and restrictions

Photo by Jose Fontano on Unsplash

Our entire life we are told
What to say, how to look, what to do
Depending on where you are from
My rules may look different to you

But each of us is raised ingrained
With a list marked yes and no
And until we awaken one day
This is a list we blindly follow

Constricted. Restricted. Reserved.
It is meant to keep us small
Because Big Brother knows
If too many grow, Their power will fall

A similar story exists
Within our own small world
We hold on to it like a gift
Wrapped in paper with ribbons curled

It’s a list of things we’ve told ourselves
That we could never do
We aren’t good or brave or strong enough
I tell myself that, too

Imagine all you could have done
If you’d just believed
That you could do anything
Think what you’d have achieved

It’s time to break the chains
That we’ve locked around our self
To let our body and our mind
Finally come off of that self-imposed shelf

The world may want to keep you compact
To control your every move
But you have important things to do
Go on and find your groove



Madeleine Royce
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write about life. Healing, growing, truly living. Trauma can hold us down, sometimes just sharing your story will set you free.