Calm in Chaos

A Holistic Approach to Wellness and Productivity

Amy Barlowe
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readJun 8, 2024


Photo by Stephen Noble on Unsplash

As a mom of three, a wife, and a lawyer, my life can feel like a circus sometimes.

The kids are the acrobats, and my husband Bill and I are the clowns trying to keep all the balls in the air. It’s a beautiful mix of family, work, and trying to find a balance, but it can also feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions. The key is to find a way to stay calm in the chaos and still be the best version of yourself. That’s what I’m going to talk about today — how to find calm in the chaos and be more productive.

Taming the Daily Circus

Picture your day starting with the best intentions. You’ve already set out your coffee, feeling confident and motivated, with a plan for the day.

But then, chaos strikes like a circus. Your daughter’s gymnastics practice is suddenly moved up, your son’s train set goes berserk, and the youngest spills milk everywhere in the kitchen. By 9 am, you feel like a juggling clown, on the verge of losing control.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when life throws unexpected curveballs, but here’s the secret: stay calm and collected. Just take a deep breath, reminding yourself that you’re the capable and amazing mom you are. You can handle this circus!

Photo by Intenza Fitness on Unsplash

Boundaries Matter

Self-care and boundaries are like anchors in the ocean of our daily routine.

They guide us through rough seas and help us navigate the challenges that come our way. Just as kids thrive when they have clear limits, so do we adults.

Setting boundaries isn’t about being mean, it’s about creating a steady, nurturing environment where everyone can flourish. I found this out the hard way when my seven-year-old, George, kept interrupting Bill and me during important business calls. Instead of losing our cool, we calmly pulled him aside and explained that we had certain times when we needed to work, and those times needed to be respected. It took a little while, but with gentle reminders, George started to get the hang of it. Now, during those times, he’ll quietly play or draw, not only giving us the space we need but also fostering his own sense of independence.

Bloopers are Bountiful

When you’re a juggler, you’re bound to drop a ball or two. And if you’re a parent, well, perfection is even more of an elusive dream.

Mess-ups are inevitable, but rather than beat ourselves up, let’s see them as chances to grow. Like that time I poured shampoo in my coffee instead of cream… I could have been devastated, but instead, we laughed and I learned to pay more attention in the morning. Reframing our mistakes as learning experiences makes us stronger and more capable parents.

So let’s embrace the mishaps and grow through them, one blooper at a time.

Photo by Star of the Sea on Unsplash

Community as your Safety Net

Life’s whirlwind can be tough, but you don’t have to face it alone. Community and support are your lifelines.

Reaching out for help or offering it builds a safety net that makes parenting feel less like a solo act.

Remember when your little ones were sick with the flu? Our neighbor’s dinner offer was a lifeline, a reminder of the power of community. Don’t hesitate to connect with other parents or support groups. And when you can, lend an ear. Together, we can weave a tapestry of support that lightens the load and makes the parenting journey a shared adventure.

Calm amid the Storm

Amidst the whirlwinds of daily life, finding moments of serenity can seem like an elusive mirage.

But don’t fret, for tranquility awaits you in the heart of the chaos. Self-care and firm boundaries are your oars, guiding you through the stormy seas. Mistakes are stepping stones towards growth, and the unwavering support of your community is a ship’s hull, keeping you afloat.

Embrace the art of maintaining calm in chaos, and let these strategies anchor your journey. Share your triumphs and lessons with others, for together we are a fleet navigating the challenges and joys of parenting, sailing towards a horizon of well-being and productivity.



Amy Barlowe
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Joyful mom of three, loving wife, productivity guru, and mindset writer. Embracing life's adventures!