Can this Dust Settle for Good?

KTHT Prompt — Write about what happens when the dust has settled

Priyanka Sinha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJul 13, 2024


Photo by Mitsuo Komoriya on Unsplash

Getting up from the wrong side of the bed,
or the trigger is inside my head,
or it’s an unknown cinder,
but one thing leads to another
turning me into a ball of flames
leading to an explosive burst,
oozing lava melting the old trust…

And it takes a while, till the monster’s tamed
but the game’s over by then
when I hear the deafening silence of the room
& haunted by your dreaded looks

With knots in my throat,
the moments tug at my heart
I wanna own up to them
confess & offer solace
like nothing happened
albeit you felt the heat
scalded, yet stood by my whines
unjustly, I wanna apologise

Now as the dust resolves
let me try once more
this time perhaps, by watering the earth
with the hose of remorse
to soak it all, no dust to soar again
no Phoenix rise on the horizon!

As the dust settles & the light peers
it evokes my love, acceptance & affection
even with their little imperfections,
to take over this fire-spitting dragon!

Image created by my sister on canva

Long ago, I got this image in a WhatsApp message and it kind of stayed with me. We vent our anger on the weaker, related folks. The cascading chain reaction is a messed-up affair, only to be realized later.

Thank you for reading!

And thanks to Diana C. and KTHT for the wonderful prompt, that I’ve used to write about the anger issues creeping into our lives.

Hope we quash this inner demon when at it and manage to just cross that trough intact. Saves the guilt and distress to us and our families.

So here’s to the calmness and composure, some deep breaths and letting go…!



Priyanka Sinha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see