Completely unrealistic resolutions

Priyanka Sinha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readDec 29, 2023

KTHT advent calendar prompt Day 20

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Resolutions aren’t unrealistic, till they’re just resolutions

The real struggle begins when we put them to work, expecting revolutions

Seem all within reach & doable but

that’s not the actual solution…

For someone who’s never up in the morning, until the sun is bright & warmer

can’t be chirpy, rise & shine at the wee hours

choosing middle ground is the answer.

Daily dose of exercise by hitting the gym is a good thought

but not so much, since you don’t move at all

Try walks & stroll at first.

Atkins, Paleo, Keto are all fads

will be given up by January end

stick to eating right & on time

more greens, less sugar & fries will suffice.

Phone’s addiction we all wanna beat

giving up totally

is an impossible feat

reduce & replace, keep it out of reach

slowly we’ll get there

without a bad hangover

Tidying up & declutter

will never come in a flutter

reading about Ikigai & Marie Kondo

will not keep you on the go

The house reflects your mind

so, start from there & unwind

remove the unwanted stuffs

& scrub away the collected grime & dust.

All the resolutions we must adjust

keeping a reality check, is a must.

Others realistic resolutions can be

unrealistic for us beginners

realising that, can make loser or winners.

Photo by Peng Wei on Unsplash



Priyanka Sinha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see